2019年9月11日 雅思作业每日一包
Part1: 1. Have you ever met a celebrity/ super star in real life?2. Do you want to be a super star? Part3 :
1. Why do some people grow their own food these days?2. What kinds of food are good for a party?3. Do you think people should eat every meal with their family?
3. 阅读包阅读包食用方法:请将以下句子抄写在纸上,划出句子成分,并且翻译成中文。做完以上步骤之后,拍照上传,阅读老师们会认真批改你们的阅读包答案哦。
These researchers have sought to demonstrate that their work can be a valuable tool not only of science but also of history,providing flesh insights into the daily lives of ordinary people whose existences might not otherwise be so well documented(宾语从句demonstrate that…;特殊结构otherwise)
4. 写作包写作包食用方法:请将以下段落翻译成英文,在翻译过程当中,请注意:第一遍,先划出句与句之类的联系,思考能否用从句、非谓语动词、指代关系来串联不同的句子。第二遍,思考:有没有更好的表达方式,有没有什么固定搭配,更专业的词?重新编辑一下。做完以上步骤之后,拍照上传,写作老师们会认真批改写作包答案哦。
中国武侠连续剧(Chinese Wuxia series)在西方日益受到大众的欢迎。这要归功于网络巨大的影响力。武侠剧是有关功夫大师(martial artist}的中国小说题材(genre)。从电子游戏到电影,它出现于各种形式的媒介中。许多西方人一点儿汉语也不懂,但他们并不介意看屏幕上的英语译文。之前武侠剧在西方传播缓慢有很多原因,其中包括推广营销不到位以及缺乏与武侠相关的基础知识。
Chinese martial arts series are becoming increasingly popular in the west.This is due to the enormous influence of the Internet.Swordsmen dramas are the subject matter of Chinese novels about kung fu masters.It appears in all forms of media, from video games to movies.Many westerners don't understand any Chinese at all, but they don't mind seeing the English translation on the screen.There are many reasons why wuxia dramas were slow to spread in the west, including poor promotion and marketing and a lack of basic knowledge related to wuxia.