danielzeng 发表于 2019-6-21 10:41:38

2019年6月21号VOA常速新闻:特朗普再废奥巴马政策 取消与古巴"单方面协定"

VOA常速新闻:特朗普再废奥巴马政策 取消与古巴"单方面协定"




Authorities in London said Saturday dozens of people are presumed dead after the fire erupted inside a high rise apartment building earlier this week.

"Sadly, at this time there are 58 people who we have been told were in the Grenfell Tower on the night that are missing. And therefore, sadly, I have to assume that they are dead."

The spokesman says police will conduct a criminal investigation of the circumstances of the fire early week.

A judge in the city of Philadelphia here in the U.S. declaring a mistrial in the sexual assault case involving famed comedian Bill Cosby after the jury could not reach a verdict.

Statement was read from Cosby's wife, Camille. "How do I describe the district attorney? Heinously and exploitively ambitious. How do I describe the judge? Overtly arrogant and collaborating with the district attorney. How do I describe the counsels for the accusers? Totally unethical. How do I describe many, but not all, general media? Blatantly vicious entities that continually disseminated intentional omissions of truths for the primary purpose of greedily selling sensationalism at the expense of a human life."

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