passions 发表于 2016-5-23 13:27:51


The first criminal charges have been filed in the US state ofMichigan in connection with the contamination of the watersupply with lead in the city of Flint. Three officials have beencharged with offences including tampering with evidence,conspiracy and misconduct in office, Gary O'Donoghue reports.“In 2014, the city of Flint switched its water supply from LakeHuron to the local Flint river in a money saving exercise. Immediately, residents began complainingabout the quality. It took 18 months for the Michigan authorities to acknowledge the problems.Leading to accusations, the residents of Flint were ignored because they are largely poor andblack. But state and local officials face a number of investigations and Michigan’s attorney generalBill Schuette has promised to leave no stone unturned and more charges are expected shortly.”

Skyler 发表于 2016-5-25 08:29:33
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查看完整版本: BBC英语新闻:美国密歇根州3名官员因弗林特水污染事件被起诉