passions 发表于 2016-5-4 11:01:30


2016年5月4日VOA常速新闻收听: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia(ICTY) acquitted Serbian ultranationalist leader Vojislav Seseljon Thursday of all nine counts of war crimes and crimes againsthumanity brought against him in connection with the Balkanwars of the 1990s. The court then set Seselj free. In a2-1 ruling, the presiding judge said Serbian plans to create a"Greater Serbia" by uniting lands they considered Serb territory in Croatia and Bosnia were a"political goal" and not a criminal plan, as prosecutors alleged.

【key point】
ultranationalist n. 极端民族主义者

territory n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图

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查看完整版本: VOA常速新闻:国际刑事庭宣布塞尔维亚极端民族主义领导人罪名不成立