passions 发表于 2016-3-23 09:36:51

【口语天天练-Lilly】I am over it.

获取口语天天练 和更多英文内容 请关注微信公众号lilly_english

我已经无能为力了, 所以我已经不在乎这件事儿了。There's nothing I can do about it. So I am over it.
别再提上周的事儿了,我已经不介意了。Don't mention the thing of last week. I am already over it.
看到她和他的新男朋友在一起我一点儿都不难过,因为我早就不在乎她了。I don't feel sad at all seeing her with her new boyfriend. Because I'm so over her.
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