肿六晷 发表于 2024-3-19 14:14:23


欧盟地平线2020项目(项目网站:https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/178251)-英国华威大学prof. patrick unwin招聘博士生, 机会难得,欢迎有物理,化学,纳米科学,电子,材料科学,化学工程类背景感的同学申请,申请人最近一年内必须没有在英国工作学习过。有兴趣的同学也可以参与其他学校导师的项目


申请具体要求及方法参考nanoram项目网站:https://nanoram-dn.com/recruitment/ (注意申请发给nanoram@au.dk, 不是prof. patrick unwin)


prof. patrick unwin 个人简介:https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/chemistry/staff/patrickunwin/


this study focuses on the development of nanopipettes for 2 major applications: (1) we shall make an intelligent nanopipette probe imaging platform to facilitate autonomous imaging and manipulation of cells and soft matter. the instrument will integrate an x,y,z piezo positioning system with an inverted microscope that will read optical images to identify regions of interest for investigation or intervention by the nanopipette. the instrument will be based on an existing labview fpga architecture and incorporate machine learning protocols. it will be applicable to sicm and other forms of nanopipette probe microscopy (scanning electrochemical cell microscopy and variants thereof); (2) the use of nanopipettes and nanopore arrays for the synthesis of soft nanobots, through the development of a platform that makes use of nanoscale electric fields for mixing reagents and with active (feedback) control in the synthesis process.

expected results:
1) an innovative platform for functional nanopipette imaging that will have wide applicability for which the software will be made freely available to the academic community as part of the warwick electrochemical-scanned probe microscope; 2) a synthesis platform that will enable the creation and analysis of tailored soft materials with built in functionality for applications as nanobots.


applicants should have relevant qualifications within electrochemistry, applied physics, nanoscience, materials science or similar.
previous experience with scanning electrochemical microscopy is highly welcomed but not a prerequisite. expertise in ni labview programming, finite element modelling, and artificial intelligence for image processing is also of value.

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查看完整版本: 英国华威大学玛丽居里全额奖学金博士招生