宝春 发表于 2023-4-19 14:36:23

资生堂EC-planning intern

资生堂EC-planning intern
地点:9号线商城路/2号线东昌路 陆家嘴L+mall 3栋
薪资:200RMB/天 (25r/h,超800扣税)

Paid Media:
1.Creative material and ad copy optimization follow up
2.Daily media and competitor monitoring, ensure brand/product search result follow strategy
3.Regular check on Databank, Strategy Center and Alimama, make sure keywords and media tagging are aligned with original plan

1.Proof check on SMS and group topic copy, ensure the correctness of member communication
2.Folow CRM database tagging logic, support to deliver monthly LEM customer report
3.Regular check on sampling status, member engagement mechanism etc.

Live streaming:
1.Responsible for payment with LS agency, ensure the expense aligns with actual hours
2.Regular check on store LS, include the product display and appearance of store anchorman

1.Contract, payment and other process follow up

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