英国埃塞克斯大学计算机与电子工程系招收博士 (深度学习, 嵌入式系统)
埃塞克斯大学(University of Essex)计算机与电子工程系招收若干国际奖学金博士研究生, 从事嵌入式深度学习的研究。主要研究方向包括:嵌入式智能系统,深度学习优化,可编程片上系统设计与实现等。详情请参考:(https://balancezhai.github.io/portfolio/portfolio-995/)埃塞克斯大学大学简介:https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5 ... F%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%A6
嵌入式智能系统实验室(https://eis.essex.ac.uk/research-areas--projects.html)专注于研究各种嵌入式以及片上系统的应用,现有博士后,博士研究生20余人,并且是英国国家重点核物理机器人研究中心的一员:https://www.essex.ac.uk/departme ... nd-embedded-systems, 拥有各种先进的嵌入式,片上系统,机器人,GPU服务器设备。
The successful candidate should possess:
- At a minimum, the successful applicant will have a good honours BSc degree in computer science, electronic engineering or other related subjects. An MSc with Merit or Distinction is desirable.
- Strong analytical and mathematical skills are required, as well as good programming skills, C/C++, Python.
- Knowledge of embedded systems, system-on-chip, digital design, computer architecture are essential.
- Strong motivation to be involved in a project with a clinical background and data analysis skills.
- Proficiency in spoken and written English.
- Experience of conducting healthcare related experiments and knowledge of physiotherapy care are desirable.
有意者请发送 CV 到 Dr Xiaojun Zhai, email: xzhai@essex.ac.uk