遛灾啄 发表于 2023-1-11 14:15:29

美国马凯特大学(Marquette University)机械工程学院招收2023秋季全奖博士学生

马凯特大学(Marquette University,简称MU)是一所美国顶尖的私立综合性大学,坐落在威斯康星州最大城市和湖港密尔沃基市,也是威斯康星州最大私立大学,马凯特大学被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为一级国家级大学,2022年全美排名第83位。

The department of mechanical engineering at marquette university seeks excellent, highly-motivated graduate students to conduct advanced research while working toward earning a doctor of philosophy (ph.d.) and/or master of science (m.s.) degree. We are looking for motivated graduate students to do research on the processing-structure-property relationship of additive manufactured metallic alloys both experimental characterization and numerical simulation. We have open positions for phd students with full teaching/research assistantship starting fall, 2023. We welcome students with backgrounds in but not limited to materials science, mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry. Interested applicants can reach out to Dr. zhou (le.zhou@marquette.edu) for more questions.
Information about Marquette University (Milwaukee, Wi, usa) and the Mechanical Engineering Department can be found here:
Graduate school application can be found at:
TOEFL requirement:
Dr. zhou's research lab:

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