德国罗斯托克大学医学院神经科神经退行性疾病研究组招收2023年 CSC资助博士生
The Section for Translational Neurodegeneration "Albrecht Kossel" of the Department of Neurology at the University Medical Center in University of Rostock offers a PhD candidate position in 2023 to study the mechanisms of neurodevelopemtal and neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., Niemann-Pick type C1 disease and Argonaute2 project, which is being supported by DFG) and their potential therapy (for the information about the Institute, please see: https://albrecht-kossel-institut.med.uni-rostock.de/en).The ideal candidate will be highly motivated and team-oriented with a strong interest in neuroscience with an academic Master's degree in Biology or a life science-related discipline, preferred with a background in the molecular biology or neurobiology. The working language in the laboratory is English, which can be also used for PhD thesis writing and defense. Candidate should have strong communicative skills with fluent spoken and written English with a IELTS (≥6.0) or TOELF (≥90).
If interested, please send a complete application in English with PDF form, including a CV and your transcript of records and contact details to PD Dr. Jiankai Luo (jiankai.luo@uni-rostock.de).