宝春 发表于 2022-6-10 10:21:47

【微软实习生招聘_上海紫竹园区】JLL - 微软现场综合设施部 - Intern JD

【微软实习生招聘_上海紫竹园区】JLL - 微软现场综合设施部 - Intern JD
工作内容:o 参与微软现场的综合设施管理部的运维日常工作,学习运维管理模式
o 参与项目管理及设计会议以及各种 Workshop,从而体验微软企业文化
o 协助相关规范的整理及清单编制工作
o 协助工程及项目资料归档工作
o 配合现场项目经理完成相关其他工作
O 985/211 高校,或国外排名前列高校
o 有管理、工学、理学背景相关专业优先考虑
o 良好的英语书写及沟通能力,能够阅读英文技术资料并提炼主要内容,具备对新事物的学习能力
o 有责任心和进取心,有独立思考能力和良好的团队协作精神
Job Requirements:
o Participated in the daily operation and maintenance work of Microsoft's on-site integrated facility Management
department, and learned the operation and maintenance management mode
o Participate in project management and design meetings to experience Microsoft culture
o Sorting out relevant specifications and compiling lists
o Archiving of engineering and project information
o Cooperate with site project manager to complete other related work
o 985/211 universities, or top universities abroad
o Major in management, engineering, science is preferred
o Good written and communication skills in English, able to read English technical materials and extract the main content,
able to learn new things
o Responsible and aggressive, independent thinking ability and good team work spirit
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