http://v.passions.com.cn/FiOv7yPwvOaLCkj_5SxKKLlGisdi.mp4Instantly, the volcano island is may be seen small. But the island is known as Hawaii is one of the tallest topography features of the planet on the more than the calamite seafloor to be the ocean surface, and almost of them are the highest peak.
That is newly 10 km from ocean floor, to the higher point on the island, which makes the I taller even than mount Everest.
So, you can image the huge amount of magna and lava, that’ve flow up from the just one island and much less than the whole chain of island.
Now, the plume hypothesis, provides a pretty elegant explanation from the volcano anomaly like Hawaii islands.
But, while they are hypothetically attractive, there is a little of evidence to support the theory because so far, no one is able to actually observe what is happening that far beneath the earth crust.
Some studies have been done; seismography geochemical where the data’s consistent with the model can be proof. http://oe.passions.com.cn/data/appbyme/upload/audio/202101/29/Z0f4igu340s8.mp3 听写批改及翻译建议: